
Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Human Respiratory System: Diagnosis Questions

A)How could an infection in Caris nasal passage and throat spread into her sinuses? a. Her infection was able to spread to her sinuses because her sinuses became an area that her nasal passages and pharynx could drain into. In here the drainage just sat on that point and became a breeding ground for bacteria. B)What is the Cough Reflex? Describe the dish that Caris respiratory system is using to clear her lungs by expectorate? a. The cough reflex is used to get things like irritants and limpid which causes us to have sputum aside of the nasal passage and pharynx.The cilia or critical h line of credit powers that are in our trachea is trying to move that mucous secretion and ninny from her lungs because they dont want it in that respect so when there is too a great deal mucus it triggers the cough reflex try to get it out to make more room. C)Which structures found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli modal(prenominal)ly would nurture Caris lungs from infectious path ogens and particulate melted? a. The structure that would normally assistance with this are the Macrophages. They are normal found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli. D)How would the foeman of Caris airway be offspringed by excess mucus and fluid in her lungs? . It would cause her airway to have resistance because of the fluid buildup would cause her airway to be smaller in diameter. With all of the fluid in her lungs some of her alveoli would be under this fluid causing them not to be able to work like they should and causing friction. E)How would Caris lung ossification (the effort required to expand the lungs) be altered as her alveoli replete with fluid due to pneumonia? a. It would increase I believe because she will be working harder to gases In and out of the alveoli.F)How would fluid in Caris lungs affect her total lung depicted object? a. Her overall lung capacity would be imposeed or decreased because of all the fluid in there. With the fluid in there it is t aking up all the space that she would normally use for air which means she cant get as much air in her lungs. G)How does the elevation of Caris respiratory rate alter her pure ventilation? a. It would be alter becaused it would be raised. It raises it because she has more volume in her lungs. H)Normal linage type O saturation levels are greater than 94%.Caris blood oxygen saturation level was 90% at the metre of her exam and an arterial blood gas analysis done when she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial Po2 was 54 mm Hg. How do these clinical findings relate to the internal respiration in Caris body? a. First a normal resting oxygen level should be 94% or higher with no oxygen supplements. A normal Po2 on a person resting is 40 mm Hg and if it was someone that was exercise it would be even lower so the 90% and 50 mmHg means that the arteries have too much oxygen. I)Which symptoms Cari has described are due to lack of oxygen and reduced oxygen exchanged at her ti ssues? . When she said Panting like a hound dog. This would be a symptom of what is going on. J)As Caris Pco2 rose, how was the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin affected? a. It will decrease since the CO2 will take oxygen place on the bus which means she will be getting more oxygen and the CO2 will be taken and gotten rid of. K)How would you have expected Caris decreased Pco2 and alkaline blood pH to have affected her breathing? a. Since her pH and Pco2 is decreasing so is her rate of breathing because she is not having to work as hard.

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