
Saturday, February 16, 2019

How Can We Help The Homeless And Should We?: Searching For A Solution :: essays research papers

How Can We Help the Homeless and Should We? Searching for a issueJust a few months ago I was with my friends Mike and Kim and we had been locomote around having a great time in the city. We then(prenominal) exited a store and Kimsaid something under her breath like, "Oh, no," when I looked in the aforesaid(prenominal)direction to find a middle aged man with a drunken st be to him. She knew thisman as "the town drunk" and he had been homeless for years. He asked us for thetime and we replied, but he didnt scarce stop with that and followed us acrossthe street talking up a storm. He was telling his whole life story in thefifteen minutes we stood in that respect he talked about how he grew up existing poor withhis family and how he wanted to be educated and go by means of college to get a goodjob so he could pass away well. But he said his parents just didnt have the moneyand it was impossible. I felt threatened as did Mike and Kim from the drunkengestures of th is man and belief to myself, if this man wanted to make somethingof his life, I mean if he authentically wanted to, he would try harder and somehow dowh at he wanted. We tried to leave as soon as possible.     But then I began reading these essays about the homeless and it startedto change my mind. The essay "Virginias ambuscade" by Peter Marin especiallyeffected me because of the way it portrays the new-fangled adult female that has nonhinggoing for her and almost everything against her. I though about this and firmI had misunderstood the whole plight of this population and thought there mustbe a better way to help these ill-starred people. How should we help thehomeless and should we try even though they may not help themselves? I figurethat is the most important question that involve to be answered if anything is tobe done.     Of the essays I analyzed Awalts "Brother Dont Spare a Dime" was theone essay that went ag ainst the idea of helping the homeless because the causationthinks its their own fault for being the way they are. The other two essays areeasier on the homeless and want to lend a helping hand. In "Address UnknownHomeless in Contemporary America" pack Wright thinks that helping the homelessby giving them more benefits that they will be more prosperous. Peter Marin hasthe same idea in "Virginias Trap" where the young woman is in need of just a

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