Thursday, November 28, 2019
Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy
Introduction Assessment refers to the treatment process of identifying the signs and symptoms, which are associated with mental and emotional disorders. The disorders are then compared with the standardized disorders.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It should be noted that the treatment process should be based on the health condition of the patient because patients differ based on their coping abilities. The therapist develops a treatment plan after completing the process of diagnosis. The treatment plan helps in the process of alleviating the symptoms. Some instruments are utilized in the process of diagnosis and measuring the condition of the patient, including psychometric instruments (Barraca, Yarto, Olea, 2000). Family therapy is a process that uses systemic and relational theories in diagnosing and treating patients, inc luding couples, family members, and families in general. The Purpose of Assessment Family therapy entails identifying some of the factors that make it difficult for family members to coexist in unity and harmony. The process helps those in relationships in resolving issues that may lead to serious conflicts or divorce. It is noted that assessment helps in identifying those problems before they escalate into serious problems. Problems are resolved so easily once they are identified as opposed to leaving them until they bring about major problems in a family unit. The assessment process is of essence in relationships because it assists in nurturing change and development in families. Family psychoanalysis perceives family change in terms of the structures of relations among individuals.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In psychological wellbeing, the interactions among family members ar e considered one of the critical factors. A number of schools of thoughts exist as regards to the importance of assessment in family therapy. However, all scholars and practitioners confirm that family members must be involved in finding the main problem affecting them. In this case, the origin of the problem does not matter, but what matters is the quality of solution and the process utilized in arriving at the solution. Assessment is the first step towards unraveling the problem affecting an individual or a family member. In other words, assessment is the basic stage that a therapist must consider before moving in to provide any help to a troubled individual or family member (Caldwell, Woolley, Caldwell, 2007). Through assessment, the family therapist can influence the outcome of the conversations in a consultative meeting between the troubled individual and the therapist. The assessment process has helped therapists understand that the family is not defined in narrower sense, bu t instead it should be understood in broader terms meaning that the family should be defined based on the roles and relationships of closely related individuals, which may even include friends. The assessment process in family therapy is of great importance as far as establishing formal interventions are concerned. Each culture had its own ways through which family members could be helped get out the problem, but they techniques were ineffective because they lacked assessment. The traditional therapies included performing some rituals with the help of the extended families. There was some development when societal leaders such as the chiefs and priests conducted family therapies. However, the problems could not be addressed amicably because there were no assessments conducted on the affected.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Th e emergence of child guidance and marriage counseling introduced the idea of assessment because individuals had to be cross-examined in a laboratory setting to outline the problems affecting them. Assessment process is very important because it gives a distinctive feature related to analytical framework meaning that it does not rely on the number of people present. Assessment without Judging The main role of family therapy professionals is to offer professional advice without interfering with the welfare of the families. This implies that they have to respect the rights of the clients and keep off from unnecessary judgments. For instance, they have to take caution when it comes to offering subjective verdicts. They have to be objective in whatever they do meaning that they have to avoid using a certain form of language that may sound discriminative or judgmental. In this regard, family and marriage psychoanalysts are warned to keep away from evaluating clients based on their races, age, cultural backgrounds, riches, physical statuses, healthiness, wellbeing, and faith. A therapist might be tempted to conclude that a certain condition is associated with a certain ethnic group or gender. This would be wrong because it may injure the client emotional, given the fact that family therapists deal with those who are already discriminated against. For a family and marriage therapist to offer quality services without offering his or her own insights, he or she must exercise restraint and observe professional codes of conducts.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In particular, the therapist should refer the patient to the necessary department or therapist if he or she realizes that the situation can no longer be handled in his or her officer. This would prevent the therapist from offering defective or harmful advice to the client. If the client turns out to be stubborn or he or she is unwilling to disclose critical information needed for diagnosis, the therapist should simply terminate the conversation in a very professional manner instead of giving wrong advice. When handling clients, the family and marriage therapist is encouraged to follow the manual instead of using his or her own knowledge to diagnose a disorder. Some professionals might be tempted to serve their own interests instead of addressing the needs of the client. At this point, the therapist would be fulfilling his or her own interests, which amounts to subjectivity instead of striving to be objective. The therapist should always be mindful of the interests of the client if h e or she is to keep off from value judgment and promote objective assessment. Why Marriage and Family Therapists should be allowed to Diagnose Before addressing the consequences of any disorder or disease, it must be diagnosed for proper analysis and recommendation. Studies show that family therapy is an effective tool of addressing psychological problems such as depression, digestive disorders, chronic disorders, drug abuse, issues related to parenting, and issues that come about in relations. Family therapy is effective as compared to other traditional therapies because it involves all family members in resolving issues affecting them. Scholars in the field of mental health appreciate the role of family therapy meaning that they also endorse family and marriage therapists to conduct diagnosis. Some observe that there is no adequate literature in the field of family and marriage therapy, which prevents effective diagnosis. Moreover, misunderstanding the process of assessment and di agnosis among family therapists is another reason cited. However, family and marriage therapy may not utilize the diagnosis of other practitioners to arrive at critical conclusions because it family therapy involves understanding human behavior. Human behavior is subject to change meaning that diagnosis should b conducted at the time of therapy. Relying on diagnosis from other places may mislead the expert because the patient could have gone through many experiences since the time he or she was diagnosed to the time of therapy. In the American society, the role played by marriage and family therapists is not yet recognized, even though there is a consensus that their presence is highly valued. In fact, the training offered to family and marriage therapists is very high as compared to that offered to other mental therapists, including social workers and counselors. To worsen the matter, the law does not permit family and marriage therapists to charge clients meaning that they offer t heir services on mutual basis. This is unacceptable because those trained in the field lack employment since the profession does not fetch any substantial funds. It is therefore recommended that marriage and family therapists should be allowed to exercise their profession just the way others are doing in the market. They should be allowed to offer professional services, including diagnosing the problems facing individuals in marriages and families. The family is the most basic unit of social organization meaning that its failure would imply the failure of the whole society. Philosophical Challenges in Marriage and Family Diagnosis One of the challenges is that there is no data related to marriage and family therapy, which means that there is no existing body of knowledge as regards to the processes of diagnosis in the field. This is a major problem among scholars because it is claimed in the philosophy that knowledge is cumulative implying that the problem must have existed for year s for it to be accepted. In other words, the marriage and family therapy diagnosis does not have clear theories and methodologies. Others claim that marriage and family therapy simply relies on subjective knowledge, which cannot be depended upon to sustain a discourse. There is no established method or technique used in treating similar problems in the family and marriage therapy. DSM is not systematic meaning that it cannot be relied upon to offer a comprehensive solution to relational disorders. A method must be consistent for it to be considered scientific. Family and marriage therapy methods are not systematic because they offer different results whenever they are applied to understand a similar problem. Each case is different because human behavior is highly unpredictable (Kreppner, 2005). Human behavior is influenced by very many variables, including culture, individual orientation to the world, gender, role, place, and education. For instance, an educated sick individual coul d be suffering from a similar disorder as an uneducated individual. Their behavior would not be similar, given their differences in the level of education. The methods applied in diagnosing their problems would not be the same, even though their conditions are similar. Impacts of Diagnosis on Marriage and Family Therapist Allowing marriage and family therapists to diagnose a disorder would be one way of empowering them since it would give them an advantage over other practitioners. They would be in a position to deal with various problems affecting those in relationships and family members. Diagnosing a problem is critical to understanding the best technique to be applied in treatment. Relying on others for diagnosis might give wrong results because the diagnosis could have been conducted wrongly. If marriage and family therapists diagnoses disorders, they will come up with a patterned and structured technique that would be consistent in addressing similar disorders. References Barr aca, J., Yarto, L., Olea, J. (2000). Psychometric properties of a new family life satisfaction scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 16(2), 98–100. Caldwell, B., Woolley, S., Caldwell, C. (2007). Preliminary estimates of cost-effectiveness for marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 33(3), 392–406. Kreppner, K. (2005). Family assessment and methodological issues: Discussion. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 21(4), 249–254. This essay on Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy was written and submitted by user Charity Beasley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
buy custom Research - Japanese Quail essay
buy custom Research - Japanese Quail essay The goal of a research project is to establish facts, prove new ideas, and solve new or existing problems, using scientific methods. The main purpose is discovering and then interpreting what you have discovered. One needs to develop systems and methods of human knowledge as well as scientific issues. The results of a research project help the researcher or the in coming up with reliable conclusion from his study. The researcher must make sure that he has accomplished his goals while giving his results. Causation is said to exist when the researcher identifies that a change in a given variable that was measured, directly brought (caused) a change in the other variable. An association on the other hand exists between two variables when a change in one variable coincides or is parallel to the change in the other variable. Association is also referred to as correlation or co variation. Correlation can be either positive or negative. It can also be either proportionate or disproportionate. There are several potential sources of bias and lurking variables in a research project. To understand this, we shall look at the different types of bias. There is intervention bias that mainly occurs in the type of research that compares two groups rather than individuals. The most common intervention bias include, co-intervention bias, timing bias, withdrawal bias, proficiency bias, contamination bias and compliance bias. The other type of bias is the measurement bias. This occurs as a systematic error that mainly occurs while collecting the required data. These biases include expectation bias, instrumental bias, lack of sensitivity bias, memory and recall bias, verification and attention bias. The other type of bias is selection bias. This is where the researcher compares two different groups. Such differences automatically influence the results seen by the researcher. The common typs of this bias include no respondent bias, non-equivalent groups and referral bias. The principles of a research design are three. The researcher must identify similar groups that have similar characteristics. This reduces irrelevant variations that are already know between the units. It thus allows greater precision while estimating the source of variation in the study. Comparison is yet another principle in a research design. Although it is hard to reproduce measured results in an exact manner, it is important to compare against a scientific, standard or the treatment that is traditional and has been used as the baseline to base your outcomes on. The other principle is the use of experiments (factorial experiments. Such experiments are efficient when it comes to evaluation of the independent variables and interaction of other several factors. There are several types of graphs that the researcher can use to represent his data. Graphs help in showing distribution and comparisons. They can be generated using spreadsheet, Microsoft excel and other tools. When representing proportions and percentages, the researcher can use the pie charts. The researcher should make sure that he does not compare more than two variables in a pie chart for the sake of readability. Scatter plots are yet another type of graphs. These are composed of individual dots which represents a specific events value. When you cluster the dots together, you imply correlation. However when the dots are scattered randomly, there is no correlation that can be identified. Line graphs are also types of graphs. They imply the relationship between variables that are quantitative. On the X-axis, the independent variables are plotted and on the Y-axis, we plot the dependent variable. The other common types of graph are the bar graphs. These come in either vertical or horizontal, multiple or sliding bar graphs. The multiiple bar graph shows complex information unlike the other two types of bar graphs. The principles for the utilization and care of vertebrate animals used in testing, research and training are several. These have been given by the U.S government. The first principle states that transportation of animals should be done in accordance t with the Animal Welfare Act and any other applicable laws. The other principle is that the procedures regarding animals must be considered of relevance to both human as well as animal health, the good of the society and advancement of knowledge. Species, quality and the number of animals must be of valid results. Computer stimulation and mathematical models should be considered as well as the systems of vitro biological. When using an animal for test, research, or training, care should be taken and there must be no or the pain on the animal should be minimal. There should be avoidance of distress, discomfort or even pain. Scientific practices must be applied during the procedures. It is important to note, according to the principles that the pain that can occur to human beings can as well occur in animals. Appropriate sedation or anesthesia should be administered in procedures that could be harmful. At the end of the procedure, the animals should be killed painless fully in case it necessitates. This usually happens when the minimal cannot survive after either the training or the research. The living conditions of the animals should be appropriate. The animals should be kept in well-ventilated rooms, they should not be congested and care including veterinary services must be offered. Finally, the personnel handling the animals must be qualified and experienced in handling the procedures. Proper training must be done on those personnel on humane handling of the animals and the laboratory use of the animals during the tests in conducting the research. Buy custom Research - Japanese Quail essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Design and Sustainability '' Product Innovation '' Coursework
Design and Sustainability '' Product Innovation '' - Coursework Example The tilt function is useful in the protection of the outboard engine. The hull on the outboard comes with ensuring the prevention of the engine being damaged by the shocking absorbing function. The project is aimed to develop and demonstrate both visual and non-visual technologies that will be used to monitor the outboards border. This project will enable the officers identify illegal electrical activities that are taking place at a low cost and with equipment that will also track objects that will not be seen by the cameras. It will also ensure the department continues to upgrade as technology changes since the change of technology comes with new ways of penetrating through security devices (Arndt & Kierzkowski, 2001). Threat and vulnerability assessment is an important process for any project to go through to ensure that when the project is over and implemented, it does not face challenges that could easily have been avoided in the implementation process. Most security projects are vulnerable to risks at three levels; high vulnerability, where a small weakness in a project could mean that the facility will be highly prone to terrorists or hazards; medium vulnerability, where the prone is somewhat in nature; and the low vulnerability, where the facility faces less chances of being endangered to terrorists or hazard attacks (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010). The process of market development is important in organizations as it provides a platform of the business to grow with the market. Customer satisfaction has remained the sole goal for businesses as they will attain sales. The aspect of market segmentation is also important in facilitating the development process. The use of AIDCA which is Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction and Action is common in the process of development. A close look at each element is clear in marketing. Attention is important in marketing as businesses will be able to seek the most common aspects that will aid in ensuring
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
M chap 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
M chap 3 - Coursework Example scale and large scale businesses may always employ certain approaches as well as techniques relevant to changes in consumer behavior (Dietrich and Media, 2015)s. In marketing, businesses always need to acquit themselves with certain information from their consumers including their locations, what they want, as well as who their real consumers are. Changes in consumer behaviors always make businesses to conduct thorough researches, as well as, surveys in order to know what the consumers want. For example, in case they fail to satisfy the changing consumer interests and needs, marketing of such products may be compromised and can easily fail. As such, the businesses always conduct surveys and research through sales forecasts, internet researches, as well as, market sensing (Dietrich and Media, 2015). This gives them a competitive advantage in the marketing spectrum as they deeply understand the needs of their customers, failure to which, can lead to failure of the companies. It is important to note that the issue of consumer behavior is also affected by the economy of the United States in certain ways. For instance, if the economy strengthens, the consumer demands and tastes increases (Rao, 2010). However, if the economy faces some crises, the consumers also feel these economic crises, thereby limiting their consumption demands. It is of critical significance to note that changes in consumer behavior are not influenced by any legislation. This is because consumer behaviors are majorly dictated by their own personal interests, tastes and preferences. As such, it is important to note that consumer behavior can affect the market in various ways. According to my opinion, consumer behavior always controls the markets in various ways. as such, the changes in consumer behavior can always make some companies to experience big losses if they do not device effective marketing strategies to approach the situations occasioned by the changes in consumer behaviors. Therefore,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Legacy leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Legacy leader - Essay Example A legacy leader knows that the success of the organization depends on the productive and heartfelt performance of the employees. It is all about motivating the members of the organization to serve its customers with warmth and enthusiasm. One remarkable example of a legacy leader in the hospitality industry is J. Willard Marriott. The leadership legacy of the father, J. Willard Marriott, was passed on to his son, J.W. ‘Bill’ Marriott (Burwash, 2008). Admired throughout the hospitality industry for his practical approach to leadership, J.W. Marriott has developed a reputable culture that focuses on the people and acknowledges the value they endow the organization with. He is a perfect example of a legacy leader because he emphasizes the importance of a positive employee culture. He also values diversity and continuously tries to build a multicultural workforce. He only wants the best for their customers. He embraces the doctrine of kindness, sympathy, and compassion. The hospitality industry, for an ideal legacy leader like J. Willard Marriott, is all about this
Friday, November 15, 2019
Absurdism In The Stranger And Metamorphosis English Literature Essay
Absurdism In The Stranger And Metamorphosis English Literature Essay The theme of absurdism used by Franz Kafka and Albert Camus does full justice to bring out the pathos in both The Outsider and The Metamorphosis by Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. They establish the unsettling existence of the both the protagonists. The present situation of the narrators brings to life incidents that justify their unpleasant situations and what they are going through in their respective lives. Where existentialism questions mans existence in a particular social system; absurdist investigates characters that are placed in society that is devoid of God and how syllogism and parody loom large over the entire situation. Hence The Outsider and Metamorphoses have existentialism and absurdism as the philosophical tools that take these stories ahead. Camus concretizes an absurdly dramatic story of a man who has no emotions in him evidently in the opening lines Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I dont know. I had a telegram from the home: Mother passed away. Funeral tomorrow. Yours sincerely. That doesnt mean anything. It may have been yesterday. He- does not even feel obliged to justify his reason behind such odd and discourteous avoiding of any emotional involvement. Speaking briefly with the director of the home, Mersault tells him that he did not feel any guilt at having sent his mother away. He even declines an invitation to view the body, but keeps vigil with it overnight, in accordance with the custom. When asked by the undertaker how old his mother was, he replies Fairly, for in truth he doesnt know her exact age. His going for a swim with a woman of his acquaintance at an inopportune time proves once again futility of his life. As an embodiment of absurdism, Mersault doesnt see any need to fulfill or dispel the discomfort from the minds of the people as his nature was very offending to other people. He seemed completely inhuman, and never believed it was important to live up to the expectations of others and follow etiquette. According to me, every human being goes through the kind of unpleasant and embarrassing situations Mersault and Gregor face but it principally depends on how a writer decides to detail and sketch these characters. There is a funeral procession, in the heat of the day, across the parched, sun-drenched landscape, and once again, Mersault is disturbed by the light, the sun, and the heat, and feels unable to concentrate. This uncanny effect to the point of blinding ones vision evinces unjustifiable discomfort Mersault exudes towards the society. The Outsider is set in Algiers, where our protagonist Mersault, who was a bachelor, is leading a life that questions his existence. He does not show any interest in his job and does not believe in socializing with other people around him. As the story goes ahead, the reader gets to see the quirkiness of Mersault towards the world with conflicting emotions that make him commit a deadly crime. This marked nature of Mersault is brought out in the narrative in many incidents in the book; one of them being in chapter four where he is not at all concerned about Raymond torturing his wife. He responds matter of factlyAt about 3 in the morning there was a knock on my door and Raymond came in. I didnt get up. I sat at the edge of my bed. He didnt say anything for a minute and I asked him how it had gone. He told me that he had done what he wanted to do but shed slapped him and so hed beaten her up. Id seen the rest. I told him I thought that this time shed really been punished and he ought to be pleased. Mersaults brusque attitude towards other people around him reckons him as an outcast. I feel that the writers philosophical stance is unique, as he puts immense emphasis on the belief of absurdism and we need to understand what absurdism is ? Absurdist fiction is the manifestation of certain beliefs that dominated the works of a number of playwrights during the middle of the 19th century. This form of fiction implies that in a world that is devoid of God, the existence of human being shall have no strong foundation, it would be meaningless. The absurd elements in such plays and fiction were the fact that man has been thrust into a world where he cannot survive on his own instincts but is maneuvered by a force invisible to him. He is caught up in paradoxical situations and finds no reprieve by communicating or logical action. His actions and dialogues turn out to be a mockery of his own existence. The best part about the narrative is that it does not preach with a message but at the same time does tend to ask us some important questions about humans and their social existence. The narrative is kept simple but is compelling nevertheless. Therefore, the work is a reflection of Camuss moral axiom. Like Camus, Kafka too was existentialist and adapted to an absurdist way in carrying the narrative of his stories ahead as traces of his style are evident in his letter to Max Brod. In Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis, the absurdist and existentialist elements form the main parts of Kafkas narrative. The story begins with the line When Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled dreams one morning; he found that he had been transformed in his bed into an enormous bug. After realizing that his life would never be the same again Gregor starts realizing certain truths about his existence which had not come to his realization before. He starts to reflect on his own being. Till the day before he had been a hardworking salesman who looked after his family but now he cannot continue the same life anymore. Now after Gregors transformation his parents and sister realize that they shall now have to look after Gregor and start making a living of their own. This leads Gregor into a state of depression which he can only observe but cannot do anything about it. His family is robbed of happiness and normalcy and though they are trying their best to cope with it, their disparity is clearly evident in these lines of the second chapter- Now his sister working with her mother had to do the cooking too; of course that did not cause her much trouble since they hardly ate anything. Gregor was always hearing one of them pleading in vain with one of the others to eat and getting no answer except thanks, Ive had enough or something similar. They all knew the unpleasantness they had to confront but none of them had an answer to it. I think that both the stories are existentialist and absurd in their narratives, and they both create a long lasting impact on readers and create a serious sense of debate about human existence and the acceptance of social rules. The Outsider is a well juxtaposed prose of absurdism and existentialism. Mersault is a social outcast and his further actions only make him an object of ridicule in his own society. One cannot see any kind of redemption for Mersault in his predicament; he is doomed and destined for a fatal end. The parts of the story where Mersault is wallowing in self doubt are existentialist in theme and the parts where he is unsuccessfully trying to find out the answers that can legitimize his actions are absurdist. Kafkas Metamorphoses sees Gregor going through an amalgamation of emotional, physical and mental dilemmas. His physical transformation into a vermin is the main culprit. This transformation creates an emotional and mental mayhem in him. It can be said about Gr egor that he has the answers but is in search of the questions. So, the Metamorphoses begins in an existentialist way but ends with an absurdist plot.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Politics and Money Essay -- What is Politics?
The late Alabama governor George Wallace once said, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats." Both Republicans and Democrats agree on taking our money. Where they differ is what to spend it on. A Democrat agrees to take our earnings and give them to cities and poor people. A Republican agrees to take our earnings and give them to farmers and failing businesses. Republicans have dominated both houses of Congress since 1994, a year when federal spending was $1.5 trillion. Less than a decade later federal spending in 2002 was over $2.1 trillion, a 37 percent increase. Some politicians might argue that the war on terrorism has been responsible for the massive spending increase. That's nonsense! According to a recent report titled Most New Spending Since 2001 Unrelated to the War on Terrorism by Brian Riedl, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, over half of all new spending since 2001 has been unrelated to defense and the 9/11 attacks. Just from 2001 through 2003, federal spending increased $296 billion, of which: $100 billion (34%) went to national defense; $32 billion (11%) went to 9/11 costs, such as homeland security, International aid, and rebuilding damage done by the 9/11 attacks. About · $164 billion (55%) went to spending completely unrelated to either defense or terrorist attacks. Most of the spending represents government t aking the earnings of one American and giving it to another American. Such acts are little more than legalized theft. How did legalized theft become so acceptable for it is not part of our history? Let's look at some of that history. In 1794, James Madison, the acknowledged father of our Constitution, wrote disapprovingly of a $15,000 appropriation for Fren... ...e; it's the American people. Politicians are elected to office on the promise that they will deliver to one group of Americans the earnings that belong to another group of Americans or they will confer a special privilege on one group of Americans that will be denied another. A politician who disavows this practice will not be elected or if elected run out of office and the reason is simple. If a politician doesn't use his office to deliver another American's earnings to his constituency, it doesn't mean that his constituency will pay lower federal taxes. It only means another state's citizens will enjoy the loot. Thus, when legalized theft becomes routine it pays for everyone to participate. Those not participating will end up as losers. While becoming a recipient of stolen property is optimal for the individual, it spells devastation for the nation as a whole.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hamlet and Rosencrantx and Guildenstern Are Dead
The plays Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard and Hamlet by William Shakespeare were composed in vastly different contexts and the nature of the plays greatly reflect the context in which they were composed. Hamlet is clearly a product of the times of the early 17th century as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is a product of the Swinging Sixties as it has very modern views on many issues that have been raised throughout time. A common feature in both plays which represented the context in which the plays were composed was the obvious pre-occupation with morality. In Elizabethan times death was accepted more as a normal event as people did not live to be very old and there was an obvious pre-occupation with the idea of mortality and the afterlife. Hamlet is no exception to this as the play is concerned with death from the start, as we learn that Hamlet’s father had been killed. It is not strange at all that the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears and speaks to him. This reflects the context in which it was composed. People used to be entertained by such encounters with the dead in plays and believed strongly in death and an afterlife. Read this â€Å"The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead†The number of deaths that occur in Hamlet is also not surprising as audiences in Elizabethan times were very much pre-occupied with dying and felt comfortable watching it on stage. They also remained true to their beliefs that tragedy could only happen to famous figures. This is partly due to the distinct social classes in England at the time and it was not considered a tragedy so much if a peasant died. Therefore Hamlet is a product of an Elizabethan context in that it is pre-occupied with mortality throughout the play and audiences were comfortable with it because of their strong religious beliefs. Tom Stoppard, however, took two sideline characters from Hamlet and showed that Hamlet could be applied to modern audiences over four hundred years later. Rosencrantz nd Guildenstern, the main characters of the play are also pre-occupied with death. The context in which Stoppard composed the play, however, presents a changed view of death. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern both spend a lot of time thinking about death and what it means to them. They are not sure about it, and have a pretty bleak perception of the whole idea. They continue throughout the play not knowing for sure what will happen to them when they die, but they accept that they must die at some stage in their life. This reflect the context of sixties England entirely, as the trend in attitude was confusion about death. Nobody knew why they were on the earth and nobody knew where they were going when it was all over. Religion was being questioned in the sixties, like all traditional authority figures and this comes through very strongly in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. People didn’t have the assurance as they did in Elizabethan times with their beliefs in the afterlife. The fact that this idea was questioned so much in the play shows the contrast between the two plays and how Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead reflect the values of the sixties. A contrasting theme in the plays is identity. In Elizabethan times everyone was very sure of their place in the grand scheme of things and there was a distinct hierarchy of social classes. The characters of Hamlet are reflections of this context to an extent, because there is a sense of order in the play with the structure of the Danish monarchy. It is a very modern play, however, and there is a sense of disorder in the immediate world of the upper class society. This unrest is expressed from early in the play with lines such as â€Å"There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark†. Every character is clearly defined in Shakespeare’s play and nobody is confused about who they are or where they came from. The opposite of this, however, is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in the sixties interpretation of the text. They seem to be very confused about their own personal identity and this can be seen frequently throughout the play when they and other characters mix their names up almost every time. The effect of this is humorous, but also comments on the confusion of identity that was being felt in the Sixties. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as characters very much reflect the ideas of the Sixties in this way, as they seem to be drifting throughout the play as observers, and are minor players. They are not sure about themselves, question their own identity and cannot find much purpose in their lives, which makes death difficult for them to comprehend. Because they are such minor players and tend not to take themselves as seriously as the traditional characters such as Hamlet himself, they can easily bring Hamlet down to a human level. They did this in the play when they quickly flattened Hamlet’s wit. In all these respects it is plain to see how the sixties version of the play reflected the context in which it was composed. What makes the contrast between the two plays so apparent is the audience that it was intended for. In Elizabethan times, audiences loved to see revenge tragedies and lots of blood and guts and murder, particularly amongst famous people. Hamlet is a clear product of this context as there are eight deaths in the play, which would have greatly entertained an Elizabethan audience. All people could appreciate Shakespeare’s blank verse and took pleasure in the language used. After all Shakespeare was looking to be the most popular writer of his day and appeal to as large an audience as possible. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead being composed in the Sixties is made for the theatre of the absurd. People in the Sixties could relate best to this, as there was a general sense of rebelling against the system and confusion about identity. Normal prose is used much more in this, as the beauty of language isn’t so much important but the feeling that they express about the situation through the language. The two plays Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead contrast in many ways because of the context in which they were created. The context of Elizabethan times is reflected strongly in Hamlet which holds the values of the early seventeenth century, as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead reflects the values of the Swinging Sixties which are abounded by confusion. These contexts are vital in the study of both plays as they do not differ greatly, apart from the values they carry from the time in which they were composed.
Friday, November 8, 2019
euro in america essays
euro in america essays On January 1,1999, the world witnessed a change never seen before: eleven nations of the European Union fixed their currencies to each other and established the worlds first common currency, the Euro. The creation of a single European currency will be the most important development in the international monetary system since the adoption of flexible exchange rates in the early 1970. The dollar will have its first competitor since it replaced the pound sterling as the world dominant currency during the post-war period after World War I, and it consolidated after World War II. The political impact of the Euro will be at least as great. A bipolar currency regime dominated by Europe and the United States, with Japan as a junior partner may replace the dollar-centered system that has prevailed for most of this century. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Richard Long essays
Richard Long essays The term Conceptual Art is based on the simple but revolutionary premise that art should be mainly about ideas instead of material objects. In other words, artists should focus on what they think, not on how things look. Conceptual artists usually set aside the traditional processes of art like painting or carving. [Sol LeWitt, Paragraphs on Conceptual Art] Consequently, their work can be confusing because it does not fit the conventional definitions of what art is and often it doesn't even fit comfortably into the places we associate with viewing art, such as galleries or museums. One such conceptual artist is Richard Long who essentially makes art out of nature. Some of his pieces are long spontaneous hikes designed to bring art into nature, such as his clockwise spiral walk through central England, entitled A Thousand Miles, A Thousand Hours. Other works include bringing his journeys and hikes into museums and galleries where he draws simple figures like circles out of the sediment from the places he has been. Although, his work may seem very simple and mundane there is a fascinating quality about his work and he is an important conceptual artist who is well worth studying. [] Richard Long was born in Bristol, England in 1945 and has been a major figure in the development of the Minimal and Conceptual art movements of the early 1970s, using his direct interaction with nature as the subject matter of his art.[Article, RICHARD LONG: HERE AND THEREON VIEW AT THE MODERN AT SUNDANCE SQUARE] Working in nature has been the source of Long's art for almost 30 years. During solitary journeys across various terrains throughout the world, he arranges temporary archetypal forms; circles, spirals, and lines, using natural materials such as stone, wood or mud naturally available at the different sites he visits. He also brings his experiences of nature indoors, creating similar works on the wal...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Organisational Behaviour - Literature review Example Organisation works as a purposeful collection of people brought together to reach a desired outcome, that is, to achieve the organisational objectives (Kaliski, 2001, p.445). The outcome of the activity may vary from providing a service to producing a product or accumulation of wealth. The process for achieving the goals requires the organisations to formulate various strategies that determine the reporting, task allocation, coordination, and interaction techniques. The foundational values and behaviours are carried along with the development of the organisation, and these elements later turn out to be the cultural effects of the organisation. The culture of an organisation decides how the organisation is going to operate in its business environment, and also about the desired objectives. Therefore understanding the organisational behaviour enables a person to understand the organisational behaviour better. It also helps in analysing the role of employee in the organisational culture . Organisational behaviour has been a well studied subject over the years by student, researchers, and mainly by organisational managements, as a general theory and scholarly research in organisational management. ... Humans are the most valuable assets of an organisation, without them it cannot carry out its everyday business function (Kaliski, 2001, p.445). Therefore, the human resource managers are often asked to find the most effective methods to motivate the employees in their work to achieve the maximum job satisfaction. Organisational behaviour makes use of the information and interprets the findings for the purpose of canalising the behaviour of an individual and the group into an expected result. Achievement of the organisational as well as individual goals depends on the two basic elements; performance of the employees and job satisfaction. Therefore, organisations, in this competitive world, must focus on growth-oriented operations. Organisational behaviour is a comprehensive area that integrates several behavioural sciences such as sociology, psychology, economics, etc in order to find out the extent to which human behaviour contributes to the organisational growth and greater efficien cy. Modern organisations, regardless of their size or nature, emphasise on HR as their major focus of strategic interest. The exceeding significance on this area is attributed to numerous motivational theories which brought forth the idea that employees’ level of performance is highly associated with their level of motivation. As the employees’ perspectives on reward vary, it will be unfair if an organization designs its reward system solely based on fiscal aspects. Usually the reward devise in an organisation is influenced by the managers’ performance assessment. One might admit that there are various factors which disturb the performance-reward equation. For instance, the quality of leadership and organisational structure are highly
Friday, November 1, 2019
Mid Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Mid Term - Essay Example 2. The novel is a book written in prose where the writer tries to sketch a picture of ordinary life. The novella is considered a shorter piece of prose, also referred to as a short novel. The difference between them is not the content which can range from the different genres of fiction: romance or history, but the size of the work. Thus, both the novel and novella seek to present a prose piece of work that is different only in its size. 3. Tolstoy presents his character in a light that is despicable for the reader. This character sketch can only be drawn because of the sequential turn of events in Ivan Ilych’s life. The momentum set up by the writer is vital in achieving the true goal of the story: a revelation into the life of Ivan Ilych. Had the story been written differently with the colleagues and wake scene being given last the epiphany that is reveal too Ivan would have been lost. The story allows for the reader to better understand the character’s change in opinion about life. 4. The suspense of the novel originates from the reader’s desire to better understand the reason behind Ivan’s death. As the story continues the reader notices the suffering in Ilych’s life. While the character had to understand his life’s failures now it’s coupled with physical pain which worsens with his loneliness and hatred. The suspense is created with because of the beginning which makes the reader wonder: will Ivan reconcile with his death or will the story end happily. 5. An instance of the torment Ivan puts his family through is evident in his widow’s description of his last days â€Å"He screamed unceasingly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Oh what I have suffered!†A grieving widow should remember the good qualities instead she chooses to remember the relentless nights she suffered with her husband’s illness. Peter Ivanovich on the other hand is mortified by the idea of death itself â€Å"death was an accident natural to Ivan Ilych but certainly not to
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